In 1997, the School-College-Work Initiative was launched in Ontario. This 150 page document provides a chronology of the origins, the evolution and th…
This document describes the development and evolution of the SCWI from its introduction in 1997 to the celebration of its 25th year in existence in 20…
As the 2023 data demonstrates, dual credit students are receiving offers, and enrolling, at rates higher than system-wide applicants – an indication…
Level 1 Transitions Support Pilots were first conducted in summer 2020. Given the success of these pilots, they were extended in 2020-21 and expanded …
These webinars provided an opportunity to bring together people involved in the delivery of Level 1 Apprenticeship Dual Credits. These webinars includ…
Unlike applying to college or university which has specific processes, entrance requirements and deadlines, helping students interested in becoming jo…
Typically, apprenticeship in-school training is delivered at a college site. However, Level 1 training may also be delivered by a secondary school tea…
School Within a College programs have been a successful way to engage students to complete their OSSDs and to transition on to post-secondary educatio…
Below are links to power point presentations given at provincial conferences including OSCA, OCEA and CESBA. These presentations may be of interest to…
The support of the College Advisor and the provision of a college or university application voucher for students in ADC or SWAC programs has been an i…
CCRC is a leading US independent authority on two-year colleges in the United States. They conduct research on the issues affecting community colleges…